What i offer
In brief, I offer three types of holistic treatments
The holistic health check
For an hour and a half you will be tested in all four levels, where imbalances can arise. By means of the kinesiological method, I will help you understand how the body and mind can reveal your current physical, chemical, psychological and electrical state - and if necessary, either treat on the spot or provide you with guidance on how imbalances may be treated.
→ This to give you a holistic understanding and awareness of your body and mind as well as your surroundings.
Specific treatments
For an hour I will work dedicatedly on something specific you wish to work with/know more about. I can for instance help you identify possible root causes behind a physical pain or and allergy and/or help you deal with a difficult relation/situation. I can also teach you different methods to balance your chakras.
→ This to provide you with a better understanding of yourself and to empower and support you in ways that bring more peace and well-being into your daily life.
In this new session I will help you get an overview of your life by means of a mind map - one that takes point of departure in you and your life. By means of the kinesiological method, we will test whatever characterise your life with the aim to provide you with a better understanding of areas that are in balance and areas/circumstances that might be stressing you.
→ This with the aim to provide you with a new perspective on your life (balance) to be used to make good healthy choices in the future.